Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Aladdin movie

Last night, I went to the cinema at queensbay mall penang by bus from USM. I remembered I smiled because thinking something and suddenly a cute guy smiled at me, I thought he was looking someone else but his eyes laid at me and I returned the smile. I knew that I didnt need to turn myself and find him because I rather let him to find me if he wanted to be friend with me but this time I believed that the friendship was better than before after I was cheated with one younger man that pretended to be a decent guy.  This moment when I was writing this story, I was listening Space Bound by eminem. I felt I am getting older.

I didn't know why I couldnt sleep.

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Long time ago, a beautiful woman sit alone in a small comfortable room in her house. She was thinking about her dream and sketching smooth lines on her favorite blank paper. She worked so hard in her life to achieve her dream. She also knew one day, the time would come to her.

Monday, November 19, 2018

You are born that way then what

You are born that way,
The criteria on you, past, present and future is your responsible,
but no matter what happens,
Just don't disturb other people's life.

My life is my life,
I am not living in a past condition because what they had been thinking in their life let them deal with it,
It happens now or not it is ok,
Just don't disturb my life anymore.

I am so mental so do you,
but please go away.

I am so sick with

I am so sick with the lies you have been telling me,
I am so tired to understand it then I realize you create a story,
You love to create story since you are born,
It makes me find out by myself to seek the truth,

You are good at pretending to be the holy man in this world,
but you should know that people like me don't bother about it,
life must go on because you are the worst than shit,

I ask you if you arrive at the final destination then what...

You ask me the purpose of my life,
I ask you why you bother with my purpose in life,

Why you bother the soul that has been given to me,
You want my soul, you want to eat it, ok you can get it then what...

Please don't be greedy and aware of the greedy inside you.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Language Session-Basic Spanish


1. Sustantivos(nouns)-
Pedro(name of person),Casa(house),Silla(f,chair),espejo(m,mirror)...


2. Pronombres(pronouns)-
Personal pronouns-yo(I),tu/ustede(you),el(he),ella(she),nosotros(m,we),nosotras(f,we),ustedes/vosotras(m,you)/vosotras(f,you),ellos(m,they),ellas(f,they)


3. Verbos(verbs)-
hablar(to speak)- Yo hablo, usted habla, nosotros/nosotras hablamos, ustedes hablan
comer(to eat)- Yo como, usted come, nosotros/nosotras comemos, ustedes comen
vivir(to live)-Yo vivo, usted vive, nosotros/nosotras vivimos, ustedes viven

Yo como una manzana
Yo como la manzana
Comi una manzana

Tu comes una manzana
Te comes la manzana
Te comiste la manzana

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Kehidupan Yang Lain yang Mungkin Boleh Kefahami dan Juga Tidak Langsung

dan Juga Tidak Langsung untuk engkau memahami kerana ia hanya untuk mereka yang berfikir dan merasakan tidak mampu buat apa apa.

Kehidupan yang lain dari sudut pandangan mu itu apa, tafsiran kehidupan itu didalam lingkungan kehidupan mu dan kemungkinan mempengaruhi yang lain itu ada, menurut ciri ciri yang cukup untuknya terpengaruh.

Kerna setakat ini. tafsiran aku itu ada dua dan ia boleh berkembang bergantung kepada masa dan tempat, kejadian dan faktor faktor lain.

Baik untukku, tidak baik untuk mu, tidak baik untukku baik untukmu.

Dalam kehidupanku ini, proses pembelajaran sedang berlaku (Learning process is progressing).

Monday, April 24, 2017

Suka bukan bermaksud untuk dimiliki

Suka bukan bermaksud untuk dan mesti dimiliki. Saat saat berbual sebentar, saat terserempak beberapa ketika itu pun sudah memadai. Doa ku panjatkan agar kau sememang aman dan damai bersama sama mahrammu hingga ke akhir hayat kerna suka akan yang aku alami bukan untuk aku memiliki malah aku bersyukur ke hadrat ilahi, andai hilang sekali pun persahabatan akan ku ukirkan senyuman mengimbas cerita semalam. Terima kasih.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Once you was born in this life, The story begins

Once you was born in this life, there are a lot of things, everything you should or you have to take it damn serious even you don't like it. You have to know who you are, here, if you are nobody that it is ok, you must know that even the others are somebody then whats wrong?. You have to move on by yourself. You should know about time and space consist of past, present and future. If we are talking about past, what they did just leave it, the most important is what will you do for your present and your future. You will experience as kid. Then, there you will know that there are many types of people and how they do or how they react with something, and at the same times you will see who has kind heart and evil heart or cruel. Your brain are growing ...

Be careful hundred percent with what you hear about anythings.

Handsome boy

Dear handsome boy,

One evening, I came to gym at my campus. I was very rarely came to gym at late of evening but I did it that day. Suddenly, one handsome young guy came to gym and did exercise. He is so young. I wondered who he was. After, several weeks, one night when I passed the advertisement to him, he suddenly said, where was my contact number. Of course, I never to think to put my phone number in the advertisement because his friend needed the advertisement. After, I walked for couples of miles and I decided to ask him his number and made a call after one day. I knew some guys not prefer to ask personal things about them and I did it. I just took slow progress and for me nothing to rush and yes, nothing to rush because of nothing. And, one day he said to me that I always asked him weird questions and it wasn't the best conversation for people want to know others and I was so surprised. I knew for a week or two, this kind of man will defend themselves from old lady like me. Of course, I don't mind an....


Some people say that we no need to learn how to breath in this life and vice versa. Late of 20's, I realize that I have to learn it and try to understand what is the meaning of breathing and the techniques and the hiding secret of breathing.

The moment I write this short mind, it says that it consists 2 important things spiritual and physical. All the people will experience the physical one, but the real spiritual only some people who want to learn it from the master.

and ...

You just the way you are.

You just the way you are. What have you been thinking in your life for yourself and you think too much what people think of you is who you are. I have no business to interrupt it. Before this moment, I was like you. Always scarce myself with this kind of problem. After I make conversation with my own, I realize I think too much and time to make 360 changes. At least, I am makinf slow progress and I love it. Especially, my circle of friends, what should I think about them. What they think, I just leave it. They used to think like that and it isn't my problem. Whether it is good or bad.

I impress with this lady, when I saw her in facebook now I realize. The calculation, the properties and the characteristic that the Creator make is amazing and it depends on what he wants. No harms for him at all. What he wants is what he wants. Judge people comes from the properties of judging. These properties and characteristics are what he wants to create. It is just how we deal with it.

I am just who I am and ...

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Kalau aku tahu,masalahnya aku tak tahu

Kalau aku tahu jalan keluar aku itu dari seseorang yang
cantik, kaya, bijak, tampan, serba boleh, malaikat, bersih rohani dan jasmani, banyak duit, senang hati, paling hebat, paling berkuasa, dan sewaktu dengannya MAKAnya

Aku punya kesempatan untuk memilih jalan keluar yang dinyatakan seperti di atas TETAPI hakikatnya

Terjadi adalah tanda tanya, yang membuat aku meneroka dengan sepenuh hati hati dalam meniti dunia DAN JUGA BUKAN untuk aku menyalahkan yang sebelumnya akan kesifatannya KERNA aku punya pilihan SELEPAS itu.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Hadirnya kau lain adalah sebagai

Terserempak setelah dua bulan aku berehat di kampung halaman
Membuat diriku sendiri rasa bersemangat
Tapi ingatlah pada diri mu sendiri kerana aku hanya singgah sebentar bagai
bayang yang tidak bisa mencederakan dirimu

Itu sahaja


Kau datang dengan penuh tanda tanya kepastian
Kau datang dengan penuh helah dusta
Kau datang dengan tidak rasa takut untuk menipu aku
Tapi aku di pinggir tebing kerna aku percaya segala apa yag telah berlaku adalah salah diri ku jua

Tapi kenapa dan aku terus tanya akan kenapa
Sudah hilang segala rasa aku kepada cinta suci

Terima Kasih

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Life is to think

Life is to think. To think what you want to think and be careful of what have been thinking. In addition, in whatever condition you might face in your life, give a try to think for a second. In my story, there was a time when I was a child I was so cruel and had a dark heart. I wear scarf and I didn't now why I have to wear the scarf and many events did cruel to me and the worst part was I blamed all the people. During that time I felt that I had no hope anymore and playing with a knife. I felt so scared.

It took so long. Now, I ...

When you realize it

When you realize it now, you know that is not for individual or with someone who very close to you. You are experiencing your life. Sometimes it's hurt and sometimes it isn't. Nobody be like you. Late of evening, I watched motivation video in youtube and it is about Komando's training. I fell impressed with the younger teenagers who has powerful mentality because in the movie, someone said that it is not your physical now but it is about mentality. If our mentality has been training for variety of pressure situation, it can help you in the future.

It is not easy I think. The training seems so tough and extreme and no wonder why my younger brother said it is not easy as we think. I give my full respect to all army in the world.

If the small things I can't consider so how about the big one. It really encourages me to move on my life. I had bad healthy two days ago before this happened.

I know you can say anything you want as long as you still alive. But it is also you choice to choose whether the better one or the worst one. I decide I don't want to interfere God's job and what he has done because I don't know and what I know is practices make perfect and be hardworking and be smart working. Life is to earn it. Don't think the result yet.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Perjuangkan diri kamu

Perjuangkan diri kamu dari segala macam yang boleh menghalang kamu dari melakukan sesuatu kebaikan. Kerna manusia lain yang punyai titik hitam didalam dirinya itu suka akan melihat atau mendengari saat kamu tersungkur dari melakukan kebaikan. Orang seperti ini mahu saja penulis hantar atau poskan ke planet lain agar penulis bisa hidup tenang menghidu oksigen yang sangat lah percuma dari pemberian pencipta.Makanya perjuangkan diri kamu itu sehingga putus nyawa dan jasad kamu itu.

Selamatkan Diri Kamu

Selamatkan diri kamu dari siapa?

1.Diri kamu sendiri yang selalu membisikkan itu tak boleh ini tak boleh dalam perihal kebaikan dalam diri kamu bukan ini tak boleh itu tak boleh dalam dalam sebaliknya.

2.Diri adik beradik kamu yang mempunyai niat jahat yang suka melihat kamu tersungkur kerana dia sebenarnya mempunyai penyakit hati yang perlu diubati seperti apa yang kamu sedang alami sekarang.

3.Diri Ibu Bapa kamu yang mempunyai niat jahat kerna hati mereka belum diubati atau disirami dengan kebaikan serta segala tindakan yang buruk oleh mereka dan kau hanya mampu biarkan sahaja!.

4.Diri sekeliling, rakan, sahabat, teman, awek, pakwe, junior, senior, guru, perdana menteri negara sendiri, perdana menteri negara lain dan kesemuanya jika mereka boleh merosakkan atau menutup masa depan kamu, yang suka menggoda kamu dan yang suka mengambil kesempatan dan berniat jahat terhadap kamu.


Kuatkan diri kamu dari segi dalaman dan luaran. Jernihkan hati sebaik mungkin kerna kotoran yang sedikit itu tidak mengapa kerna kita manusia. Pandang pada diri yang sebenarnya tidak punya apa apa dan jika makhluk lain ingin berbangga dengan apa ada nya biarkan sahaja. Jangan dipandang bahwa manusia itu punya kuasa tetapi yang disebalik pencipta yang mengasihi. Jika kita memandang yang jahat itu memang tidak boleh bertukan baik cumanya yang pencipta sudah mencipta ianya begitu agar hati dan jiwa kita tenang dan biarkan apa tangan tangan kuasa cuma nya dipohon dijauhi dengan orang sebegini. Sifat hasad dengki yang ada pada diri boleh disirami dengan memberitahu pada diri yang diri ini bodoh lagi tidak berdaya upaya cuma diri ini hanya mampu lakukan yang terbaik. Jika kita rasa orang ada hasad dengki pada kita makanya jauhi atau biarkan saja mulutnya atau perbuatan nya jika dia belum menyakiti fizikal, kerna penulis juga tidak akan membiarkan diri nya disakiti dari segi bentuk fizikal kalu tak kene pelempang gak hahahahah. Nak teguh pada diri banyakkan bertanya pada guru guru yang bisa menyampaikan berita kebaikan dan mengenal pencipta kerna ilmu yang satu ini untuk diri kita sendiri dan mengajar supaya hidup ini jangan banyak perasan hahahahahah.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

You are still young

Last couple of hours, you made me damn crazy with your sentence which came out from your mouth.
I almost wanted to vomit. You said you didnt wanna lose me?. After couple of months you went your home town and kept quiet then I could guess that you contacted with the other beautiful girl and Of course I would not mad or angry toward you. I am older than you.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Short term relationship with full of questions?

You came to my life with so sudden. You showed you are innocent and older than me and the truth are you are still younger than me. Just want to be my friend so you tried to become someone else. I almost fallen in the trap that you made. I thought that our relation could be long lasting but after you transfered to your home town and gave me a nice reason for not disturbing you again. If that is the case so I won't mind at all again.

In the middle of journey, I forgot that if I am not focusing I will get distract easily. Thanks to you because gave me this moment to be learned  something from it. Now, I met one guy who studies in the same place with me. I feel a lilbit relief. At least he has something similar...